This is NOT a sales page. I have NOTHING to sell you…
It’s a free 21 days training program that’ll get you to learn and master price action trading in just 3 weeks.
 While it is free for you, I paid money and time for it.
 Back when I was learning how to trade price action, I had to watch countless of YouTube videos and bought a bunch of online courses. And piece together all the knowledge by myself.
There was no one there to guide me or gave me the exact path.Â
I had to learn everything by myself in my tiny bedroom.
It took me 3 months to really learn how to trade price action.Â
And now it will only take you 3 weeks.Â
I’m going to give you all of it, free.
You can complete this program, even if you have never heard of trading before in your life. I wanted to make this so that is accessible to anyone, be it a beginner or advanced trader.
Here's what’s gonna help you complete the Price Action Bootcamp:
Price Action Training Protocol - 3-weeks of learning how to trade price action
Application Protocol - 3-weeks of practicing and applying whatever you have learnt onto the charts
BONUS: 3 weeks of weekly motivational messages from me.Â
What are you waiting for? Christmas?Â
You are not broke. You are just lazy.
So stop being a lazy and broke losing trader and start now!
Why 21 days? Because most people believe that habits are formed by completing a task for 21 days in a row. Or at least that is what I believe.
And it has worked for me.
It’s free so it will not cost you a single penny. What do you have to lose?
However, it will require that you pay with your time, effort and commitment to the challenge.Â
That is if you want to learn price action trading in just 21 days.
It will reprogram your mind to get rid of all the useless knowledge you have learnt so far in your trading journey and implant the knowledge that will help you become a successful and profitable trader.
Most importantly, you’re doing more than learning how to trade.
You are rewiring your brain, your thought patterns,habits and actions to go from a losing trader to a disciplined trader.
That is exactly why I designed the Price Action Bootcamp, to help you learn price action trading in the shortest amount of time possible. As long as you can focus and put in the work.
I’m giving you the opportunity. All you need to do is to grab it.
All you need to do is to commit to the process for these 21 days and do the work.
At the end of these 21 days, you will emerge as a master. A master of price action trading who knows exactly how to analyze the charts and enter trades with precision.
You should be hearing the little voice in your head saying, "You should do this…"Â
That is your greatness calling out to you.
It's time to change your life and you do that by answering the call.
I hope to see you inside the Price Action Bootcamp.
- Brad (The Trading Geek)