These 2 things made me $1,000,000
Sep 03, 2023
I became a Profitable Trader when I mastered 2 things.
To tell you the 2 things, you have to hear what a day in my life used to look like when I was still a losing and depressed trader.
Day in the life of a losing trader
The alarm rang at 8am, and I was so unmotivated and tired so I hit the snooze button and went back to sleep.
After hitting the snooze button multiple times, I finally woke up at 8.30 am.
Next thing I did was to reach out to my phone and open up my Instagram to see what’s happening.
Then I scroll and saw this beautiful asian model with her melons hanging out.
Of course as a high testosterone horny young man, I opened up my Twitter next and started scrolling through over 20 videos of Japanese corn.
After scrolling for over 15mins, I found the perfect one and I busted a nut into a tissue paper.
Post nut clarity hits.
And I felt an immense feeling of shame and regret.
“Why did I do it again? I already said Im not going to do it today! God damn it!”
Now the time was already 10am, I finally got out of my bed.
I went to my laptop and opened up TradingView and start to analyze the charts.
I was supposed to only start trading at 2pm which was when the London session will start.
But I wanted to make money early in the morning because I believed that if you trade more frequently, there's a higher chance of you making money from trading.
As I was analyzing GBP/USD, I noticed that the price is going sideways and just consolidating and not going anywhere.
Then in the next 5 minutes, I saw a bullish engulfing green candle.
So I immediataly rush to my phone, opened MetaTrader 4 and enter for a BUY using a 0.2 lot size.
Bear in mind that my trading account had about $200 at that point of time.
By entering for that trade, I was overleveraging and using a lot size I shouldnt be using.
And then 15 minutes later, price continued to consolidate and go sideways and it did this for about a few hours.
Until at 2pm when the London Session opened, liquidity started to come in and price started dropping over 30 pips.
Then 50 pips.
Now I am down $100 and that is already half my account.
Eventually I decided to quickly close that trade and get out because I didn't wanted to blow the account again.
This was already my 4th live account.
A reminder got sent to my phone.
It said “Go to the gym”
It was supposed to be Push day which means I had to train chest, shoulders and triceps.
But since I just lost a trade, I told myself that you know what?
I need to get back the money that I lost?
Instead of going to the gym, I continued staring at the charts, scanning for my next opportunity to enter a trade.
Multiple red candles dropping?
I entered for a sell but my entry was too late.
The price started reversing and headed back up and continued with the overall uptrend.
And then I would take more trades and start revenge trading.
I would always end up losing more money.
After hearing my story, have you figured out what are the 2 things?
The solution.
The holy grail.
The magic keys
1) Discipline
How you do anything is how you do everything.
In order to become disciplined at trading, you first need to be disciplined in your life.
Just like how the sun comes up every day, you have to show up every single day without fail, whether you feel like it or not.
Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become.
Every time you take a bad trade that goes against your trading plan, you are voting for yourself to become a losing trader
Every time you take a good trade that is aligned with your trading plan, you are voting for yourself to become a successful trader
Discipline over motivation
I don't believe in motivation because motivation doesn’t last.
You can watch my videos and be motivated for 5 minutes and then the next thing u know you go back to your same old bad habits and continue losing money.
What you really need is not motivation, it is the discipline to practice the good habits of a top 1% trader.
Once you actually develop good habits, it will be very hard for you to go back to your old bad habits
When you see my Instagram profile, you will see all my public victories.
Videos of me living my dream life, traveling, buying stuff for my parents and hanging out with friends.
What you don't see is the small daily wins everyday that accumulated over time that contribute to these public victories.
Wake up at 5am. That's my first win.
Meditate for 10 mins. Another win.
Read books for 30 mins.
2hr deep work. Another win.
Go to the gym. Another win,
I love to stack wins after wins.
And that's how I have an amazing and fulfilling day.
Choose hard over easy
By doing the hard things, you are building the discipline muscle up and soon the things that you hated doing become a habit.
Tired? You do it anyways
Don't feel like it? You do it anyways
The small things you do every day add up to big results.
If you want to change the world, start by changing yourself.
If you want to change your life, start by changing your habits.
Humans hate to change.
They love to be in the same old comfortable place and that is bad because in order to grow to become the person you want to be, you need to change.
Why do people take so many years to become a profitable trader?
Because it takes years to develop a disciplined mind that trades well
After a winning streak, you will get euphoria.
And the euphoria will make you think you are invincible.
It will tempt you to jump into the next trade, without looking for your confluences.
That is the true test of discipline.
It’s easy to be disciplined when there are no emotions involved.
This is where discipline comes in.
The disciplined trader will resist the temptation and stick to their plan, knowing that deviating from his plan will lead to a loss.
Self-discipline is going to help you to make the decision to resist daily temptation that might prevent you from moving towards achieving your goals.
2) Patience
In trading, you don’t get paid for working hard. You get paid for making the right decisions.
The top 1% trader does NOT stare at charts all day.
He knows when to trade and when not to trade.
He sets alerts and only decides whether to enter the trade when he receives the alert on TradingView.
Patience is important before you trade, during the trade and after you trade.
Before you trade,
You need to have the patience to wait for the A+ trade setup
Only take the trade when your signals are triggered and you have your edge.
For God’s sake, You don’t have to trade everyday.
Your strategy may not work for every market environment.
When there is no opportunity in the market, have the patience and discipline to do nothing.
During your trade,
You need to have the patience to let the trade play out on its own.
Don’t move your SL unnecessarily unless you place it wrongly.
Don’t move your TP further or closer because it will mess up with your overall risk-to-reward ratio.
After you trade,
You need to have the patience to process and record your trades whether you feel like it or not.
The hardest part is when you lose a big sum of money or you enter a losing streak.
It’s in these times when you will not feel like recording your trades because you rather spend that time on trading to make back the money you have lost.
But these are exact times that you must take some time out to process and record your trades so you can learn from your mistakes.
Unlock the treasure box
With these 2 keys to trading success, you still won't be able to unlock the treasure box of profitable trading.
There are still other factors that contribute to trading success like money management, technical analysis, fundamental analysis.
You can learn all of these in The Trading Blueprint.
If you want to become a top 1% trader, invest in The Trading Blueprint.
And I can guarantee you won't regret it...
I hope to see you inside The Trading Blueprint
- Brad (The Trading Geek)
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