How to WIN the Game of Trading (where 99% lose)
Aug 12, 2023
Watch the full video here:
90% of traders lose and if you are watching this, you are most likely part of that 90%.
Technical Analysis won’t help you
If 90% of traders lose, then the problem does not lie in technical analysis anymore.
I'm sure all these traders who lose know how to analyze the charts with trendlines, support and resistance and all that stuff.
You are not a losing trader because you don't understand how to use the moving average.
This is not a technical analysis problem. This is a human problem.
And the sooner you can accept that this is a human problem, the sooner you can actually do something about it.
Here’s How to Win at the Game of Trading
Firstly, I'm not here to show you how to trade.
I'm here to teach you how to think when you are trading.
My goal for this lecture is to change the way you approach trading.
I can teach you all the technical analysis in the world but nothing will change.
You will still be losing unless you learn how to think properly when you are trading.
You will not get rich from trading by learning technical analysis.
You don’t need any more technical analysis, you need a serious review of how you think.
Do not let your ego get in your way by telling you that you don’t need to watch this video because you already know everything about trading.
If you already know about technical analysis, then the answer to trading success is not more technical analysis.
It doesn’t benefit me to tell you that technical analysis won’t help you because my whole YouTube channel is based on technical analysis and my views will definitely drop after this video is released.
But I don’t give a fuck. I started this channel with one goal and that is to help you become profitable faster.
I want to start off by saying that I'm not the best trader with the highest win rate.
I'm not even a millionaire yet, even though I'm close.
Some of the students I’ve coached have gone on to become successful traders themselves who are making thousands of dollars consistently every month.
The truth is I'm no different than you.
Perhaps I'm just one step above you.
I spent the past few years studying what makes professional traders so profitable and how to win at the game of trading, a sport that most people fail.
Some of the people that fail at trading are the elites - the world’s best doctors, scientists and mathematicians. Really smart people.
If every person that trades is a normal human being, meaning they are well-functioning, smart and hard-working, then why is there a 90% failure rate in our industry?
They fail because they haven’t learned to think properly.
They haven’t learned to deal with emotions like fear and greed properly.
They are still following what the majority is doing.
And the majority is losing so how do you expect to get different results when you are doing exactly what everyone else is doing?
The average trader is a losing trader.
Average is the enemy.
Success is your duty and your obligation.
It is your duty as a trader to reach your fullest potential as a trader and Roadmap to Mastery will help you do just that.
Average trading journey
Here’s what an average trading journey look like:
Sam found out about trading when he was looking for ways to make money online.
He saw that trading is a way to get rich fast, he can buy his dream car in 6 months and travel the world.
He started learning a bit of technical analysis like candlestick patterns and chart patterns. DOUBLE TOP = SELL!
He started trading then he got lucky.
His beginner's luck allowed him to make some profit.
Then after a few trades, he lost it all and blew his account.
And he deposits more money and begins to avenge the trade and ends up blowing that new account as well.
He thinks there is something wrong with his trading strategy so he goes out there looking for the perfect trading strategy that works all the time (which can’t be found because it doesn’t exist)
He kept trading with his hard earned money and he entered a losing streak.
Until one day he couldn’t take it anymore.
He thinks trading is a scam now and quits trading forever.
This is what most traders do.
You are literally doing what everyone else is doing.
If you continue to do so, you will just continue to lose money and you will never be profitable.
My goal is to get you off that path and help you start thinking differently.
Start thinking like the top 1%.
Most mainstream trading advice is wrong
“Buy low, sell high” is perhaps the worst advice in trading.
Every time I buy low, the price will go even lower.
Every time I short high, the price goes even higher.
Then why do you still "buy low, sell high"?
Because you have a “supermarket mentality”
When you go to a supermarket and you start seeing that everything is on a 50% discount today, something in you lights up and now you are automatically more inclined to buy more stuff.
Everyone loves to buy stuff when it's on a discount.
Suddenly your diet is out of the window and now you are putting the sweets and the potato chips into your trolley
The Crypto Scam
Not many people were trading BTC back in 2020.
Then in 2021, BTC suddenly became popular and now everyone is talking about it. Your taxi driver, your uncle, your sister is talking about it.
Even my mom, who didn’t know English, was talking about it!
It's the fastest way to get rich.
In just 4 months, the price of 1 Bitcoin went from $20k to $60k
You feel an intense Fear of Missing Out as you see the price of Bitcoin going up every single day and reaching all time highs.
You think to yourself “If I don’t get in right now, I might lose out on this opportunity”
Then at the end of 2021, the best thing happened.
Bitcoin got cheaper.
When prices started dropping a bit, everyone started BUYING because they thought that it's a bargain! ITS CHEAP RIGHT?
Then it goes even lower and lower.
And eventually most people got out at the bottom and ended up losing loads of money.
Here's what to do instead of "buy low sell high"
Understand that the trend is powerful and you should not go against it.
If the price is dropping right now, look for selling opportunities.
If the price is going up now, look for buying opportunities.
Isn’t it better if you short low and the price go even lower?
Or if you buy high and have the price go even higher
What makes trading so hard?
Fear and greed is what stopping people from making money in the markets
Technical analysis like fibonacci or trendlines are all not difficult.
You can learn all that in 1 to 3 months.
What makes trading difficult is fighting the natural urges.
Fighting against your human instincts.
Being a good trader has little to do with tools and charts.
It has a lot to do with fighting our humanness
Fight or flight response
Most beginner traders trade without a stop loss and when price goes against their position, all they do is pray to God and hope that the position will eventually turn around.
And most of the time, it doesn’t so the loss will eventually get so big that the trader has to manually close the position because he can’t take it anymore
Our mind has a main function and that is to ensure our survival and protect us against pain.
That can be a good thing because it prevents us from getting injured unnecessarily.
But at the same time, that is also a bad thing because pain is weakness leaving your body and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
That’s why we go to the gym and we put ourselves in uncomfortable situations so we can grow as a person.
When our open position starts turning into a loss, we hope that price will eventually turn around.
Our subconscious mind is telling our conscious mind to keep the position open so that we can protect our ego.
The moment you close the position, the loss becomes real. It's no longer floating. It's a cold hard loss.
The reason why we wish that the trade turns around has little to do with hope itself and has everything to do with avoiding pain.
3 years ago, when I was trying to flip small accounts, I would overleveraged and end up using lot sizes that are way too big for my account.
I only had $500 in my account back then and when the loss started becoming too big like at one point I was losing $450 in an open position.
This means that if I lose $50 more, I would get margin calls and blow my account.
I felt anxious. I didn’t know what to do.
I don’t want to lose my hard earned $500. That was half of my monthly salary bro.
So I added another $500 to fund my account to keep the position open and just so that I don’t take that loss.
When prices started reversing and I was back to breakeven, I did not close the trade.
Eventually I ended up losing $1000 on that trade because I got greedy.
The truth is I was trying to avoid the pain of losing my hard earned money.
Most trading mistakes that you commit is because subconsciously you want to avoid pain.
Reducing your position size when you are on a winning streak? Avoid pain.
Taking profits early? Avoid pain.
Letting your loss run? Avoid pain.
Another mistake traders tend to do is to equate their floating profit with an item.
e.g. Oh I'm up $1000 I can buy a Balenciaga sneakers with that profit now so I should take profit now
You can do this once or twice and you won’t see the immediate effect
But if you keep doing this over the long term, it will affect your profitability because you are not following your proper risk to reward ratio.
You are taking profits early and letting your losses run. And that is why you lose, you lose more and when you win, you only win a little/
Another mistake is to close your position and take profits today because you want to get back the money you lost yesterday.
What has yesterday got to do with today?
Yesterday's trades don't matter.
For example,let's say you lost $2000 trading EURUSD yesterday and now you are in an open position and you have a floating profit of $2000.
The next thing you know you closed that trade so you can break even with the amount of money you lost yesterday.
Now that I have shared with you some of the most common trading mistakes that losing traders tend to make.
It’s time for you to rewire your mind.
Get rid of all the useless knowledge that you have learnt so far.
Open your mind up to accept the new unconventional knowledge that will help you to become profitable faster.
Only then will you be ready for the next phase of this lecture.
How the Top 1% Winners Trades
Put money over your ego
The main reason why so many traders lose money is because they would rather lose money than admit they’re wrong.
“I will get out when Im break even”
Why is getting out at break even so important?
Because it protects the ego.
I finally became a profitable trader when I understood that making money is more important than my ego.
The purpose of trading is not to be right all the time.
The purpose of trading is to make as much money as possible.
At some point of time, you need to decide whether your ego or profits matter more to you.
You can only pick one. Your choice.
Scale in instead of taking half profits
Throughout my entire journey, everyone has always told me to scale out and take partial profits.
I myself have told you to take half profits in my old videos.
I used to think that you should take partial profits like when price hits your first TP, close half of the position and let the other half run!
But recently I realize that there is a fundamental flaw in that concept.
I realized that it's actually not profitable to do that.
Profitable Traders think differently from everyone else.
Instead of scaling out, why not scale in and make more money on that one trade?
Stop taking half profits. Add more positions to your winning trades instead.
Think about how you can make more when you are right rather than “Where should I take profit?”
Instead of thinking where should I get out, you should be thinking “Where can I scale in? How can I add on to my winning positions” so I can make more on this trade.
Have you ever added to a losing trade?
Of course you have. I have done it many times as well.
You buy here and the price starts going lower and now it's cheaper so no shit you are going to enter for a buy again.
Now my next question would be Have you ever added to a winning trade then?
Now suddenly there’s more people watching this shaking their heads
It's very difficult emotionally to scale into a winning trade because you are scared to lose your current profits and you want to protect what you have.
It's easy to add onto a losing trade because we were told to buy low and sell high
So as the price goes lower, it means that it's cheaper so of course we are going to buy more!
It’s in our human nature to want to cut our winnings and let our losses run.
That's why you tend to take profit way too early before price even hits your TP level.
It’s also human nature that we want to hold on to our losses and hope that one day price will eventually reverse back magically.
Instead of being delusional, you need to cut your losses and let your winners run high.
Trust your analysis
If I'm in a winning position, I don't sit there and congratulate myself.
I want to get that position bigger.
The more I win, the higher I bet.
Most people bet less when they are on a winning streak because they want to avoid pain of losing the profits they had made
I know you have itchy fingers.
It is very difficult to do nothing when you are in a trade.
It is hard to not touch a winning position.
That’s when cold hard discipline comes in.
Trust your analysis and let the trade play out. Set and forget.
Once you open a trade, there’s nothing you can do about it now because you can’t control the market.
Practice does not make perfect
Albert Einstein said that “The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result.”
I always tell you to practice, practice and practice.
That’s the only way that you can actually get good at trading.
But practice does not make perfect.
This is the reason why people continue to lose.
You can practice and practice, read all the trading books, watch all the videos and still get nowhere in trading.
Because practice is permanent!
And you are practicing on the wrong things.
If you keep training the same way and doing the same bad habits, you are just cementing your bad behavior.
Correct your behavior first.
Then identify what are the good habits that a professional trader does on a daily basis.
And practice doing it everyday.
Stop trading to predict where price is going to go
I'm not a fortune teller.
I go into trading everyday not knowing what will happen next.
Whenever someone asks me “Hey Brad where do you think Gold is going next week? Hey Brad, is EURUSD going up or down?”
I don’t know. Do I look like I have a fucking crystal ball mate?
Anyone who is able to tell you where they think the price is going to go is doing it for his self interest.
If you ask a guy who is holding BTC where price is going to go, of course he’s going to say BTC is going to the moon so that you can buy BTC as well and together you can pump bitcoin.
Trading is not about predicting the future because that cannot be done.
You don’t need to know which way the market is going to go to make money.
You just need an edge - a winning strategy that tells you exactly where to enter and exit trades.
React and adapt to the market.
Trade what the market gives you.
I can tell you exactly where the price is going to go and you will still lose money.
Don't think about where you think the price is going to go. Nobody cares.
Think about where everyone else think price will go
Internal Analysis > Technical Analysis
Take some time out during the week to be introspective and get to know yourself better.
For every hour you spend on technical analysis, you must set aside at least 25% of that time to internal analysis.
You need to know what your weaknesses are.
You need to know what your strengths are.
You need to know what you are good at and you need to know what you are not good at.
If you don’t spend time trying to improve that, how will you get better?
Profitable Trading is boring and uncomfortable
When you are trading well, everything you do hurts.
If you want to be a pro trader, you need to accept that everything you do when you are profitable hurts.
Everything about being a profitable trader is uncomfortable because it goes against human nature.
Journaling is not comfortable.
Following your trading plan is so difficult.
Patiently waiting for your perfect trading setup goes against human nature.
If you want to be comfortable, just watch Netflix and eat ice cream and continue to be broke.
If I have learnt anything in my life, that would be “Do the hard things that will make your life easier in the future. “
Delay gratification.
Short-term pain will give you long-term pleasure.
Normal leads to broke.
Normal thinking doesn’t make money.
You won’t get unconventional results by following the conventional path.
My question for you is “Are you prepared to do what the 90% is not doing?”
Now most of you after reading will go back to your same old routine and carry on trading impulsively.
In that case, this whole blog was just a mental masturbation to make you feel like you are becoming a better trader.
Don’t let this be you.
Everyone wants to be profitable, but no one wants to put the work in. Or rather no one is disciplined enough to do the right actions.
I'm not telling you to completely eliminate all your trading mistakes today.
I'm telling you to take action.
Get rid of 1 trading mistake at a time
Start doing the things that a professional trader does on a daily basis
If you encounter a sticky situation when trading, think “What would The Trading Geek do?”
From now on, start thinking like the top 1% and eventually you will get the results of the top 1%
If you do the right things day in day out religiously, eventually the market will reward you for your unwavering persistence and discipline.
If you want to shortcut your trading journey and become profitable faster, invest in The Trading Blueprint course.
Remember you're just one trade away
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